PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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In this day and age with our busy schedules and hectic lives, it is crucial to find some quick + easy hacks to get healthy!  

People think that you HAVE to do a full one hour workout to make any difference.  


You can do a bit here, a bit there, and still make changes.

Of course you are going to see more results with a full on workout program and nutrition plan.... but who says you can't start small?!?


Okay... you're sick of reading this aren't you ya lazy butt?  


Scroll on down for 10 Quick Lazy-People Hacks To Get Healthy.   : )

  1. Parking far away from the store is so typical - but yet such a stupid-easy way to be active!  So park far and walk it out!
  2. Red Light Challenges.  This is a great way to add in some easy booty work!  At every RED light squeeze ya booty till the light goes GREEN.
  3. Meal Prep.  No for real though, this is SO for the lazy person.  Basically you are taking 1-2 hours to prepare your meals/lunches/snacks for the whole week!  Then during the week, you can be a total bum and just throw your prepped meals into your lunchbox.  Yes!
  4. Do Back Lunges while brushing your teeth in the morning!  It will help wake you up, loosen up your hips and give you some natural blush for that morning meeting!  Score!
  5. Wall Sit while brushing your teeth at night!  It will help tire out the legs before bed + sculpt some lovely quads : )
  6. For night time snackers... brush your teeth after your last healthy meal/snack.  Freshly brushed teeth will help prevent you from late night snacks!
  7. To drink more water... have a big water jug at home!  Make sure you drink a full jug before you leave for the day (work etc) and then drink another one before you go to bed.  {click here to figure out how much water you should drink daily}
  8. Balance on one leg while cooking.  This will help improve your balance, core strength, and ankle/knee/hip strength.  
  9. Take your work breaks!!!!  Seriously... you're lazy right?  They are super helpful to give you a mental break + you can have some extra water and snacks at that time too.  It's a win win!
  10. Last but not least >> SLEEP!  Sleep is SO important for weight loss, building muscle, recovery, stress management, and pretty much everything!  So make sure you plan for 8 hours of deep restful sleep!  And don't feel the least bit bad about it!  It's not being lazy, it's being health conscious!  ; )

Try these out and let me know how they go!  

Are you doing some already?

Do you have your own lazy-people hacks?

Comment below or connect with me on Social Media... I would LOVE to hear about them! 


If you want to do a bit more than these lazy-people hacks, read below about my Online Gym >>  GET FIT WITH BRITT

Get Fit With Britt Online Gym is THE BEST way to get lean & strong on your time and your way!  Hit your goals by following Trainer Brittany's BEST Workouts & Tips/Tricks!  There is NO other program out there like it!

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