PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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I was talking to an awesome client of mine this week during her training session...and we were discussing goals... I have to share.If you treated your GOALS like you do your JOB... imagine how much different your results would be?!  We fight so hard to be 'the best employee' or 'the best boss' or 'the best mom/dad' possible.  Then why don't we fight to be the best ME possible?Schedule your fitness and nutrition into your day.  Wake up, workout, work...  OR Wake up, work, workout...  You get the gist of it.  It has to be planned, well thought out, and it has to be set up for success!My biggest recommendation for people who are setting wellness goals (fitness and nutrition) would be to take them very seriously right away!  Don't allow yourself to wait until the timing is right.  That day will likely not come!  Take Action NOW!!!  First things do you set a goal?SMART Goals  ||  This is how I help my clients set goals!!

  • Specific:  Make sure you set something very specific.
  • Measurable:  You need to be able to measure your progress and results.
  • Attainable:  Your goal needs to be something that is physically possible and healthy to accomplish.
  • Realistic:  Your goal also needs to be realistic for you and your lifestyle.
  • Time Specific:  Setting goals needs to include a start and 'end' date.

Example of NON SMART Goal:  I want to lose weight to feel better and gain more energy.Example of SMART Goal:  I want to lose 10lbs by August 15th so that I can look and feel my best at my high school reunion.Once you have your goal, it's time to figure out how you will get there!  Ask yourself these questions to get started:

  • How many days per week can I commit to fitness?  And what days? (list them!)
  • How much time do I have on those specific days?  (Now list the day with time)

With the days and times you have made in your schedule - you can create a workout schedule that was created by YOU!My challenge for you is to complete these steps and create a plan for 4 weeks!  Treat it like your JOB...and see how far you go!!  I LOVE progress please share! :) :)