PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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Training in your Target Heart Rate Intensities can really push your workout potential to the next level, and can keep you and your heart safe during your workouts.  But how do you find this information?  And should you just read those charts on the wall at the gym or on the treadmill?  Not necessarily... there is a bit more to it if you want to to be training in YOUR Target Zone!You may have heard of the old technique to take 220 minus your age and BAM that is your Heart Rate Max and that is what to base your cardio around!  Wait... how do you and every other person your age have the same Heart Rate Training Info?  If you asked yourself this question were right to do so!  Because we are all truly unique individuals and we all have our very own Target Heart Rates.  I am going to break this down into a fairly easy and simple equation for you to practice yourself and find your numbers!Karvonen Method220 - age = Heart Rate Max (HRmax)HRmax - Resting HR (RHR) = Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)HRR * Target Intensity % + RHR = Target Heart Rate (in bpm) Example:  below I have done this equation with my informationAge: 27 years old     Resting Heart Rate:  62 bpm    Target Intensity:  75%220 - 27 = 193 bpm (HRmax)193 - 62 (RHR) = 131 bpm (HRR)131 (HRR) * 0.75 (Target Intensity) + 62 (RHR) = 160 bpm In conclusion:  If I am trying to work at 75% of my Heart Rate Max, then I need to work hard enough to get my heart beating at 160 beats per minute (bpm).   It is all about our Resting Heart Rate.  This number is unique to the condition of our heart and that is what we should be basing our cardio workouts around!!! If you are reading are a part of my Get Fit With Britt Online Training Program!  You should find these Training Variables and keep them handy!  You will use them during your workouts - especially on the Cardio Days! --->  60%  65%  70%  75%  80%  85%   LOOKING FOR A HEART RATE MONITOR?Here is a great option if you aren't looking to spend the money on a FitBit.  This monitor is only $25 and it has a TON of great features!  I actually just recently ordered this adorable blue one and am anxiously waiting for it to arrive!  Click HERE or on the picture below to order yours!  There are other color options :)Heart Rate MonitorPlease comment below with any questions!Don't forget to follow me on Social Media:  Facebook   Instagram   Twitter   Pinterest