PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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To say that I have ALWAYS had a Healthy Lifestyle would be lying...  Yes, I have always been active and loved fitness, sports, etc.  But that doesn't mean I was always living a healthy life.When I got to college, where rules no longer existed, and I could eat whatever I wanted.... I DID!  I gained about 25-30lbs by my sophomore year of college and I was no longer happy with my body. What shocks most when I tell them that during this time I ran my first full marathon.Once I really got into my Exercise Science Degree, I realized that I could live a healthy lifestyle and that it wouldn't be that hard.  I just had to DO IT!!  The reality is...once it clicks!  I started to practice the simple steps of cleaning up my nutrition and incorporating a structured strength and cardio program.  Results began shortly after!I started personal training in 2010 and it wasn't until a few years after, that I started to really lift weights more seriously and began to cut out my longer runs (6+ miles).  This is when everything changed for me physically and mentally!  I felt SO good and SO strong!  I took full control of my nutrition at this point (counting calories and macronutrients and meal prepping).It took me about 2 years to get to the point where I was and still am truly happy with my body.  And I know how to 'bounce back' after a bad day or a bad week etc.This is who I am now.  My thoughts revolve around 'What will this do for me?'  'How will this help me?'  'How will this make me better?'  That is when you will know it is YOU!Your body is the only place you have to live...take care of it! :)