PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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Wow is all I can say!  Do you ever make something and then think...'man, how have I never done this before!?'

Well that is how I felt this morning while eating this delicious Mug Cake Strawberry Shortcake!


     Mug Cake

  • Evolv Shake - vanilla |  2 scoops (1 serving)
  • Egg  |  1 large
  • Coconut Flour  |  1 tbsp
  • Coconut Oil  |   1 tbsp
  • Almond Milk  |  1 tbsp


  • Strawberries  |  3 cut up
  • Blackberries  |  4 berries
  • Banana  |  1/8 banana
  • Peanut Butter  |  2 tbsp
  • Cinnamon  |  to taste
  • Chia Seeds  |  1 tsp


  • Prepare Mug Cake first by mixing all ingredients into mug until smooth
  • Cook Mug Cake in microwave for 1 min 30 seconds (if still moist on top 20-30 seconds longer)
  • While Cooking, prepare fruit toppings
  • Place Peanut Butter in dish with Cinnamon mixed together
  • Once Mug Cake is Cooked, cut in half and place onto serving plate
  • Put Peanut Butter/Cinnamon mixture into microwave for 30 seconds or until runny
  • Top Mug Cake with chopped fruit
  • Drizzle Peanut Butter/Cinnamon mixture over Mug Cake
  • Sprinkle Chia Seeds to finish
  • Enjoy! :)


Calories 600 cal   | Carbs 40 g   | Protein 28 g   | Fats 39 g   | Sugars 17 g  

\\ If you need to cut down the calories - lower the amount of peanut butter or skip it if you need to! //

**NOTE:  Mug Cake is in MyFitnessPal.  Search Brand 'Brittany Jones Wellness' and you will find Mug Cake listed!!**


I bet you're thinking about when you're going to be able to make this huh?... yeah...I get it ;)

I hope you enjoy this recipe!  Comment or reach out on Social Media to let me know what you think!

XO,  Britt

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