PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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STEP ONE:  Taking your first step has a lot of different aspects.  First thing that needs to happen is knowing your self worth.  Believing that you matter enough to take time to work on YOU!  But you also have to be mentally ready to commit.Committing to a healthy lifestyle does not come easy for some, and that is not something to beat yourself up about!  Ask yourself these questions:

  • What needs to change in order for me to commit to my health?
  • What things could I do daily to improve my health?
  • What could get in the way of me transforming my life?

If you had answers to these questions....chances are you are ready for a change!STEP TWO:  Make a change!  Challenge yourself to take action on the above information.  Know what could get in your way, and have a plan!  What will you do when _______ happens?!?  We all know life happens, so be ready for it! :)  "Be the change you wish to see in the world."  -Ghandi Hope you find inspiration today and everyday!XO,  Brittany