PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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Motivation is something that we are not usually born with - but rather we create within ourselves.  Have you ever looked at someone and thought...'man I wish I had his/her motivation!!'    Well, I bet if you asked them they would tell you that they had to put some work into getting to that point!

I want you to know that you do not have to be perfect.  You do not have to be right on at all times.  You do not have to hit every workout for 3 months straight.  You just have to do YOUR best and work as hard as YOU can!!!

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is it that motivates me?
  • What is it that WOULD motivate me?
  • What small changes could I make each day to make a difference?


Here are a few TIPS & TRICKS that I like to recommend to people to find/keep motivation strong:

  • Morning Motivations
    • Keep a journal - or your notes in your phone - by your bed
    • Each morning grab that journal
    • If you are having a MOTIVATED day, I recommend that you WRITE down how you feel and what your motivation feels like and where it comes from!
    • If you are having an UNmotivated day, I recommend that you READ what you have written down on your motivated day to get your mindset back to positive vibes!
  • Yoga
    • Practicing Yoga can have such a great impact on your motivation
    • You get to have some time to yourself with your thoughts
    • Stay positive and do the types of yoga that YOU need - maybe you need a slower/meditative flow, or maybe you need a faster paced vinyasa flow to help you stay focused!
  • Progress photos/measurements
    • Keeping track of your progress is an amazing way to visually see your results and how far you've come! 
    • Maybe it isn't even asthetics in your body...maybe it is just your SMILE that you see or your change of confidence!
    • EVERY positive change that you see is amazing!!!!
  • Accountability Partners
    • Have an accountability partner that you see and/or talk to often
    • Make sure they know what you're up to with your Get Fit With Britt workouts and let them in on goals that you are comfortable sharing with them
    • Ensure that they have your best interest in mind (not a friend who will coax you into dessert at dinner because 'oh come on you work hard just have it!')
  • Check Ins
    • Check in with everything! Morning Motiations, Yoga, Progress Photos/Measurements, and your Accountability Partner


Remember that YOUR motivation is different than everyone else's!  So feel free to use one of these ideas above as a motivational tool!  Or if you have something that works a little better...use it!  

If you have a motivational tool that you would like to share - comment below, or reach out to me via email or Social Media!