Have you ever seen a mom who seems to have it all together,  is in good shape and doesn’t seem like she’s been hit by a truck 6x over?! 

All while working and has young kids.

And you’re all… wait… WHAT????

You are a damn good mom already.  And even though you feel like you are “doing everything”... you know you aren’t doing everything you can for YOU.  Or even anything.  And you can feel it.  

We all need a little support sometimes.

Okay, in this case - you probably need a lot.

Because let’s be honest. It. is. a. lot.

You aren’t alone.  

We have this life-altering identity shift… then we are expected to pick up the pieces and just go about our business like nothing happened?


Not here, my friend.

I am here to support you.

Through. It All.

 “Brittany has been there for me in ways I couldn’t have imagined.  I hired her to help me get back on track with my health and working out, but I gained so much more than that.  I feel like me again.  She truly listened to me, and heard the things I wasn’t even saying.  I couldn’t be more grateful that I took the time to do this.  It’s changed everything for me.”  -Lisa H

Get ready to feel like the bomb-ass milf that you are!

[yes, I am a millennial]

As a health coach, personal trainer, nutrition coach + wellness coach [plus a bunch of other stuff lol] it is my passion to help people in their journeys to their healthiest selves.

But honestly, until becoming a mom - I didn’t realize that I was doing a disservice to most of the women I worked with.

I didn’t quite realize the extent that motherhood shifts our ability to prioritize and manage our time.

That in itself is a huge aspect to tackle.  

But now… I’ve found a way to put all the pieces together!!

You want to lose the weight, have sex with the lights on again, put on that bikini, walk into a room and feel like that bitch.

And I can get you there.

“I honestly thought I was doing pretty good when I started working with Brittany.  I was working out and eating pretty decent.  I hired her originally because I wanted some accountability, wanted to lose weight and needed some workouts.  But once we got to talking, I realized that I had a pretty bad relationship with my health.  I was working out because I hated how I looked and totally under-eating because all I cared about was weighing less.  I could cry thinking about how far I’ve come with my relationship with my health.  Now, I move my body because I like it.  Like, I actually like my body now.  I never thought I would say that.  I’m just a happier and better person overall now.  And I am really glad I can take what I’ve learned and make sure Emerson [my daughter] doesn’t have the same issues I had.”

Elyse C.

Let’s be honest, you’re a mom.  You’ll get it done…

But I want you to get it [your health & fitness] done in a way that supports you physically and mentally for the long haul.  

Not just a quick 28-day fix, that actually isn’t fixing anything and is truthfully just messing you up in the long run. [hormones, relationship to your body + health etc.]


We’re going to start right where you are, and we are going to take you all the way to your goals.

In 2 years, you’ll still have the weight off. You’ll still be working out, and eating well and feeling like a f*cking SNACK.

Here’s the thing..  We usually somewhat know what to do… its HOW that is the problem.

Implementing new habits doesn’t have to feel like pushing a rock uphill [while carrying a toddler lol]

And tbh, if it does you’re totally doing it wrong. 

Like, no offense...

But… okay please keep reading *I’m a juxtaposition of people pleaser but also kinda rough around the edges okay?*

We work hand in hand to ease in new strategies and tools that actually fit your lifestyle, and will help you truly reach your goals this time.

Get ready to PrioritizeYOU and feel the spark of your pre-kid self!

Look, I have 3 kids.  I get it.  You feel like you have zero capacity for anything else. You’re reading this in an old pair of leggings, a messy bun and your kids leftover Mac & Cheese on your cheek. I’ve been there.

But when we use intention to PrioritizeYOU… you will find your capacity EXPANDING.  

You’ll notice that you show up in a more calm state, you’ll feel more in control, you’ll feel present…

You’ll actually WANT to workout. You’ll want to eat well. You will want to keep progressing. You’ll actually want your husband to walk in on you in the shower.

You’ll feel. Like. YOU.

Get ready to be “that mom”...

The one that makes time to workout, is confident in her body, that is calm within the chaos, that manages to eat well and stay hydrated, that is organized, tidy & has dates with her friends, and that wakes up feeling prepared for the day physically and mentally.

I won’t lie to you, it won’t happen overnight.

It won’t happen in a month.

It will take as long as it takes.

But it will change your entire life.

And you deserve that so so much.

Repeat after me:

“I deserve to feel good.

I deserve to take time for myself.

I deserve to invest in my health.

I deserve to be a priority.

I am worthy.”

I cannot wait for you to do this.

I’ll talk to you soon.

xoxo Brittany