PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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Do you crave sweets or salts?  Well..this Power Bar is the solution to both!I found this recipe a few years ago and I have played a little bit with the ingredients and changed a few things etc.  But I cannot for the life of me remember where I got the original to the original creator - - I thank you! YUM!! POWER BARSRecipe Yeilds 20 barsIngredients

  • Sliced Almonds  |  1.5 cups
  • Golden Flaxmeal  |  1/2 cup
  • Unsweetened Shredded Coconut  |  1/2 cup
  • Creamy Roasted Almond Butter  |  1/2 cup
  • Celtic Sea Salt  |  1/2 teaspoon
  • Coconut Oil  |  1/2 cup
  • Stevia  |  4 drops or 1 packet
  • Honey  |  1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla Extract  |  1/2 tablespoon
  • Dark Chocolate Chunks  |  2/3 cups


  1.  Place almonds, flax meal, shredded coconut, almond butter, and salt into a food processorIngredients placed into Food Processor
  2.  Pulse for about 10 secondsYou will want a finely chopped mixture.
  3.  In a small sauce pan, melt coconut oil over very low heat
  4.  Remove coconut oil from stove top and stir in stevia, honey and vanilla extract
  5.  Add coconut oil mixture to food processor and pulse until the ingredients form a coarse paste
  6.  Press mixture into an 8x8 inch baking dishEvenly spread mixture into pan
  7.  Chill in refrigerator for about an hour, until the mixture hardens
  8.  In small sauce pan, melt dark chocolate over very low heat, stirring continuously
  9.  Spread melted chocolate over bars and return to the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, until the chocolate hardensThe chocolate helps keep the bars together once serving
  10.  Remove from refrigerator, cut and serve :)Enjoy this sweet treat

**Notes:  You will want to make sure you store your Power Bars in the refrigerator or they will melt!  ||  My food processor is too small to make the whole batch at once, so I have to split the ingredients and mix together at the end. Nutrition Facts:  Calories 191  |  Carbs 9g  |  Protein 5g  |  Fats 16.4>>Only 5 grams of sugar<<  These things are sure to fix you sweet or salty cravings!!...without messing up your macros and goals!