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This program was designed and created for postpartum.  It is best when used right after being cleared by your OB or Midwife for exercise.  It is very important that you are given the okay to exercise prior to following any of the guidance provided in this program.  This program is not designed to heal or correct diastis recti or to 'lose the baby weight' - it is designed for you to strengthen and prepare your body to get back to regular exercise and strengthen your pelvic floor.  Weight loss will most likely occur due to increased activity and a focus on your nutrition... but let's not have that be the main focus + priority!

The #6weekppp is perfect for a 12 week Maternity Leave.  6 weeks of rest/recovery, then another 6 weeks of this program.. then back to work [for some of you!]  This is a great way to build back into a schedule and routine ++ have some time for you!


  • Improve pelvic floor strength
  • Decrease strain in upper body from holding our little ones
  • Increase overall strength
  • Decrease back pain
  • Improve nutrition habits for you and baby
  • Increase mood and mindfulness
  • Find the NEW you after baby
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YOGA [click the link or press play below to follow along with a 3o min yoga flow designed specifically for the postpartum momma]

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YOGA [click the link or press play below to follow along with a 4o min yoga flow designed specifically for the postpartum momma]

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Progress Photos / Measurements are 100% optional!  However, it is a great way to see if you made some physical changes during the program!  A picture may show some changes that you hadn't even realized had happened.  I have had soooo many clients regret not taking progress photos during our training... so I highly recommend doing it.  No one ever has to see these if you don't want them to, however I would love to see your progress if you'd be willing to share.. and you may want to show them off! : )

Below, you will notice that I have a sheet you can print off to track your measurements as well.  Right Click > Save > Print.  I also have a guide so you know exactly where to measure for the circumference measurements!  Below that you will see my personal progress photos during the #6weekPPP.  This will give you an idea of what to expect when taking your own progress shots!

CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENTS:  These will be taken at the beginning of the program, at the end of BLOCK 1 and the end of BLOCK 2.  These measurements do NOT determine if you were successful in this program or not, but they can be a great motivator and we can see where changes were made!  Follow the photo for a guide to know where to take your measurements.

ARM: with hand on waist, measure the very middle up upper arm on your dominant side

WAIST: breathe normal and avoid sucking in while measuring around the belly button, keep measuring tape parallel with the ground

HIP: with feet shoulder width apart, measure around the widest part of you butt/hips, keep measuring tape parallel with the ground

THIGH: with feet shoulder width apart, measure around the widest part of you upper thigh on your dominant side, keep measuring tape parallel with the ground

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I have listed here some of the big tips when it comes to kegals + pelvic floor work!

  • Doing kegals correctly is super important.  A good test to see if you are doing a kegal correctly, is to try and stop the flow of urine as you are using the bathroom.  It is not ideal to do this often, as it can cause a bacteria infection.  However, testing it every so often will help you to know if you have improved your pelvic floor strength... and it shows you how to properly do a kegal.
  • Kegals are all about drawing up and in with your pelvic floor.  Think about that pull up as you engage.
  • There are a few different ways you can do a kegal
    • quicker pulsing contractions
    • slower pulsing contractions
    • holding the contraction for a certain amount of time [ultimate goal is to be able to hold your kegal contraction for 8-10 seconds]
    • elevator contractions [this is where you slowly contract the kegal at the same rate of contraction, and then also slowly release the contraction at the same rate -- think of going up an elevator to squeeze, and then going down the elevator to release]
  • It is best and easiest to perform your kegal on an exhale.  Your diaphragm is pulling up to press out your air, and it is a perfect time for your pelvic floor to draw up and in as well.
  • You will be given specific times to engage with a kegal during your exercise demo videos.  However, it is a good idea to engage your pelvic floor during all movements.  As mentioned in the above bullet, you will engage most during your exhales.
  • When using the bathroom, it is best to allow your urine to flow naturally and NOT push out while you pee.  Pushing while you pee can actually weaken your pelvic floor.  It is also best not to squat and hover over the toilet when you pee as well, this can also weaken your pelvic floor - especially since when you squat and hover to pee we tend to push out to go.  Cover the toilet with a seatie or toilet paper vs the squat!
  • Practice kegal exercises for 10-20 minutes daily - especially in the months following childbirth.  I tend to do my kegals while I am feeding Olivia - it is a time when I am sitting still and have nothing else distracting me!
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Fitness Expert, Leah Keller, has created a program that has since gone viral called the Dia Method.  I have linked her program HERE.  She has full programs to follow for prenatal and postnatal women that really focus on "fixing" diastis recti.  I recommend her programs if you have diastis recti.  If you just want to reduce a small amount of separation [less than 1 inch], you can follow these tips...

You want to reduce having large amounts of pressure in the abdomen.  This means that full planks are out of the question right away - and moving forward if you have separation.  Bicycle crunches are also a no-no - this splays out your abs and can cause your separation to come back if it has started to close.


With your spine straight [seated, lying down etc] come to find the control in your breath.  I recommend placing a hand on your stomach for the duration of the exercise so that you are conscious and aware of your belly.  Take a big breath to expand the belly, then exhale in one quick motion that feels like you are pulling up and into your chest.  Pull your belly button in towards your spine.  Take small and quick breaths, focusing on keeping your belly sucked/pulled into your spine.  Your exhales will be quite forceful here in order to keep the contraction tight.  Hold the belly in tight to your spine for the entire duration of the exercise.

Perform this exercise for 10 minutes every single day, and Keller says that you will see 100% closure of your diastis recti in less than 12 weeks.


There are some mixed "reviews" on this exercise, mostly from surgeons and fitness professionals saying that it is not physically possible to close DR.  This makes sense to me, because it is connective tissue/fascia that makes up the separation.  However, the results from Keller's clients are pretty incredible... and in my opinion, it can't hurt anything to try!  This exercise is activating the Transverse Abdominus [deepest layer of our abdominal muscles], which is really crucial in order to keep pelvic floor strength and overall core strength up!

At my 6 week check up with my Midwife, she said I had barely any separation - which I was super happy about.  The medial world classifies any separation less than 1 inch / 2.7 cm to be good.  When I checked myself, I could feel about 1/4 inch separation above my belly button.  I have been doing this exercise for a few weeks - and I feel it has absolutely helped me with my core control, even if I don't have a large separation to close!

I would LOVE to hear how this goes for you if you try it out.  Please report back :)

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Nutrition is so important for the healing process after having your baby.  However, we want to ensure that we are healing with whole and natural foods.  You are also nourishing a baby [if breastfeeding] so you need to make sure that you are eating well, and eating enough.

I recommend eating small meals and snacks throughout the day....EASY ONES!!  I have some great recipes linked below that you can use!  My biggest recommendation.. is to prepare some of your foods in bulk so you can grab them as you need them.  It may seem like "prepping" your meals is unnecessary if you are at home on Maternity Leave, but it can make life SO much easier when you are able to just pour hot water over a prepped oatmeal bowl vs making the whole thing in the morning... especially after waking up to feed your little one.. and they pooped everywhere.. and all you want to do is just kick back on the couch with babe and breakfast!  ; )

One BIG thing I want to stress to you all is that you really, really need to eat enough.  So many new mommas are so eager to get rid of their "baby weight" that they basically starve themselves.  Restricting your calories too much will not be good for your milk production or for your healing body!  You will be burning so many calories breastfeeding [and adding in this exercise] that restricting calories is just too much.

Drink Up!!  Making sure that you are drinking enough water is another really important aspect of your healing process, production of breastmilk, and overall health of course!  It can also help reduce the amount of dryness that affects your skin post-baby!

BEST TIP:  Don't overcomplicate things!



  • Prenatal Vitamin [As long as you're breastfeeding for sure.  If not, just be sure to be taking a women's multivitamin]
  • Fish Oil  [This is huge during pregnancy for babies brain development, but it is also huge for you, momma.  Fish oil is great for joint support, brain support and also for assisting your body in burning body fat.]
  • Vitamin D  [This is important for baby to get through your breastmilk.  It can also be a big help when it comes to your mood!  We tend to be indoors quite a bit right after baby comes, and we won't be getting much Vitamin D from the sun.]
  • Collagen  [This stuff is ah-mazing!  It is a great form of protein + it is great for our healing bodies.  It is really good for joint support!]
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There were definitely a few things that have helped me SO much during this postpartum journey!  I have everything linked below for you and will answer any questions that you have about the products!!  Anything to make being a new momma easier... I am all for it!

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You can of course use things you have around the house for equipment.  But if you'd like to get yourself the gear... here are some links for you to shop!

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