Do you feel like life needs to pause in order for you to lose weight, nail down a consistent routine and do the damn workouts?

Let me guess. You feel like you have lived 10 lives by the time you finally get to start work.

You broke up 2 WWE wrestling matches, bribed your kid to eat their breakfast, put the same pair of shoes on your toddler 764 times - and you’re tired of the repetition. You skipped breakfast, unless you count the randomly abandoned bowl of skittles you found and demolished. You planned to workout early but were way too damn tired to actually go.

And if it’s not a WWE wrestling match, it’s your kid being sent home from school sick… then the next day its a dentist appointment

And at this point… you give in and say fuck it, I’ll try again next week!

It’s time for you to make good on all of those goals that you’ve had, but just haven’t been able to “make work”.

Imagine this: You wake up and get your workout in before the kids get up, ahh 30 minutes of silence! You eat the breakfast you prepped ahead of time and know you’re already hitting protein goals. Your kids get up and you feel in control of your emotions and take a sip of coffee [with creamer btw]. Your kids will still piss you off and life is still going to be a little messy. Because motherhood is just.. messy… and for some reason always sticky.

But you’re making it happen. You’re in control. You’re confident.

This isn’t impossible for you. You aren’t some scientific anomaly that just can’t do things.

And truthfully you need to stop thinking that. You are a lot more capable than you give yourself credit for.

You just haven’t gone about it in a way that supports YOU.

Hi, I’m Brittany.

I’m a health, fitness, nutrition & wellness coach. I specialize in working with millennial moms who have young kids & are burnt the fuck out and want to feel better. And by feel better, I mean in every way: losing weight, feeling confident physically & emotionally, reducing the aches and pains from carrying & raising kids, having a strong ass mindset and finding your new identity as a mom.

I’m a mom of 3 and have felt the struggles first hand. I struggled HARD with postpartum anxiety and depression. To be honest, this program has been “ready” for over a year but I wasn’t ready to LEAD it…. until now. Because that’s thing about motherhood - you HAVE to put yourself first - and that is what I did in this situation.

But the systems and methods in this program, come from that struggle I faced.. PAIRD WITH the 15 years of experience I’ve had as a coach, working with women & moms. It works.

It’s foolproof, honestly.

This is for moms who...

  • Feel like they've lost who they are

    You've worked so hard to be an amazing mom, that you forgot to take care of yourself. And when you look in the mirror you don't recognize yourself. It's not just about the weight either. It's so much more than that. It's... everything.

  • Are out of the postpartum fog and have no idea what to do now...

    It's like you woke up one day and you're this new person who has kids and an entire life... but you barely remember any of it. The fog lifts. Now what? When you are in that headspace and transition to raising [not growing a human] it's important to implement a strategy that will get you where you want to be. Otherwise, you'll just keep staying stuck.

    You feel like at this point postpartum, you should have "it all together". But you don't and you aren't sure its possible to do it.

  • Are frustrated AF because you feel like you try, but can't make anything stick.

    When we are chronically overwhelmed, adding more to our plate is so dumb - sorry, I said it. Like, oh you're super stressed? - here.. try this 75Hard program? OMFG STOP! BUT when you are a perfectionist.. it's just what we do. I still catch myself doing it lol. I've created a method that works though - you get what you want & get to still live your life.

Look, I know you aren’t new to trying things. You’ve googled “self care for moms” and “how to lose the baby weight”. You’ve booked a massage, took the epsom salt bath, do the skincare. You tracked your food. You did the 21 day challenge and attempted the 75 Hard.


In order for those things to work. They require near perfection. And that simply doesn’t exist. And it damn sure doesn’t exist when you’re a mom. We know this!

You need a plan that is flexible, that allows you to be a mom and still follow the plan, and allows you to adapt to the changes as they come up. Because you just can’t plan for everything motherhood throws at you everyday lol

You aren’t in a place for 100% focus and perfection.

You should join The PrioritizeYOU Method Coaching Program, because I do things differently.

I get you in control.

I get you making small steps that you can feel big time.

Ozempic, cookie cutter diet plans, Pinterest workouts, and winging it yourself…

It’s just not it.

Sarah, PrioritizeYOU Method past client

“I came to Brittany in despair - who tells someone at Target that they feel like they’ve lost themselves!? lol But she saved me. When I started, I was winging it - casually doing a class here and there, eating whatever I could find, and was so dyregulated all the time. Now, I workout consistently and eat pretty well most of the time. But the biggest thing is my confidence. I am confident in my body, my plan and it feels so good. That alone was worth the price of the program.”

Megan, past client using PrioritizeYOU Methodology

“I’ve finally found a way to make my habits stick. And it’s wild because I really didn’t think you could lose weight without drastically dieting. I still use coffee in my creamer and eat ice cream, and I’m down 40lbs. This shit works.”

When you enroll, you’ll get access to the course content and all the goodies inside the program: course lessons, toolkits, resources etc.

Course Sections:

  • Values, Vision, Intentions

  • Mindset Work

  • Behavior Change

  • Pillars in Action

You’ll also be added into the PrioritizeYOU App where you’ll be guided on setting up the app and you’ll have access to the workouts and programming.

  • 24/7 Chat Access to Brittany

  • 12 Week Workout Program | Foundations

    • with video demonstrations for each movement

  • Cardio, Mobility & Isolation Workout Libraries

  • Nutrition Tracking

  • Macro Guidance

  • Habit tracking & so much more


  • When you enroll you get everything I mentioned above: access to the lessons, PrioritizeYOU Health & Fitness App access.

    The content is self-paced and a step-by-step process that you will follow along with and be guided through.

  • It was designed as a 12-week program, but the educational content truly is self-paced. As a mom, we know that there are weeks we have the best of intentions - and we get nothing done. So this course could take 12 weeks, or 12 months based on how much of your capacity you are able to put towards it at a time.

    I will say, the more you dive into the course right away - the more efficient you will become with your time and you’ll notice you get better at getting through the content as you adopt the PrioritizeYOU Methodology.

  • Yep! I've got this program linked into my app where you'll have an entire workout program available to you and we will use the habit tracking feature throughout the program!

  • Honestly, this program will be perfect for you. Any human being on this planet would benefit from this program. But truthfully - when you come in on a fresh slate - you actually come in ahead as you don't have as much skewed thinking to unlearn!

    This program meets you where you are, in every way.

  • The program is $347.

    I have several different payment plans and extended payment plans to make this work for everyone. I'd hate for money to be the reason you don't join - so reach out and we can create a payment plan that is accessible to you if needed.

  • This will be very dependent upon how much you decide to give. But from a content standpoint - you'll give roughly an hour or so to listening to the educational modules and doing any associated “homework”. We talk deeply about this and plan for it in the course so you don't feel like you are stretching yourself too thin!

Nicky, PrioritizeYOU repeat client

“I was going to do [other program] again, but I knew it wasn’t actually going to give me results that lasted. So I knew I needed to work with you again.”

Jess, PrioritizeYOU client

“I would have never thought to do it this way. But taking small steps has kept me so consistent week after week.”

Look, nothing changes if nothing changes. If you stay here, it’s leading you towards being at home one day in your late 40’s, kids off to college, and you regret not taking the steps in your 30’s. You deserve better than that. You will be happier when you have better. And you deserve to have better.

You could “have it all”. [a balanced routine of motherhood, work, health, fitness, nutrition & wellness]

By the end of The PrioritizeYOU Method Program, you could be waking up feeling IN CONTROL. You could hit your 3 workouts a week, no problem. You could be losing weight, without tracking a damn thing. You could be confident - physically & mentally. You could have strong boundaries around your health & fitness. You could be so consistent, that you can’t imagine not being here for good.

It IS possible for you.

But you have to decide.

You have to make the decision, that you’re worthy of signing up.