Do you ever wonder what habits healthy people have? What things do people do on a day to day basis that makes their lifestyle so healthy?!
I have compiled a quick list of 10 habits that YOU can start practicing on a day to day basis!
WAKE UP WITH A POSITIVE ATTITUDE! Start your day with a smile and good intentions. Remind yourself that each day you wake up is a day that you can be better!
EAT COLORFULLY. Make sure that you indulge in a variety of fruits & vegetables daily. My biggest tip is make sure that your plate is not all the same color (Ex: chicken, sweet potatoes, peppers & asparagus).
DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. Your body performs at its best when you are well hydrated. Shoot for 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily - if you workout add 20 ounces to that!
WORKOUT AT LEAST 3 TIMES PER WEEK. Exercise releases endorphins in to your body and can drastically improve your stress levels and mood. By strengthening your skeletal muscle and cardiovascular system, you reduce the risk of diseases and early death.
APPRECIATE WHERE YOU ARE. Commonly we look towards what's next, and where we could/should be. Taking a step back and appreciating where you are in your life at this moment is a very healthy habit!
SET GOALS. While being happy with where you are, working towards new goals is important to continuous growth. Remind yourself of your goal regularly and stay positive!
SPEND TIME SMILING AND LAUGHING WITH FRIENDS & FAMILY. We tend to get caught up in the daily grind: work, eat, sleep, repeat..right? Dedicate some time each day/week/month that you will spend with friends and family where you won't let work or anything get in the way. Happiness is key!
SCHEDULE HEALTHY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES. For some people, paying for a 5K in advance is a great way to find motivation and reason to get active. Planning activities like this will surround you with an atmosphere that screams healthy living! (Ex: 5K, Health Fair, Rock Climbing, Paddle Boarding, Cross Country Skiing, Hiking, etc)
PLANNING & PREPPING NUTRITION. Having a plan for foods that will fuel your body sets you up for success. You are what you eat.... so feed your body with amazingly nutritious foods! ;)
YOU TIME. For me, this is yoga & meditation. But for others it may be relaxing and reading a book. Whatever your you time is, take it. Remember that it is NOT selfish to take a few moments each day to breathe deeply and focus on yourself. This is a must and very high on the priority list of healthy habits!

Join my Online Gym: Get Fit With Britt 🙂
You will have weekly workouts (strength & cardio) with demonstration videos to ensure form is on point! Enjoy full 60 minute Yoga Practices to follow along (3 levels). Follow guided stretching and meal plan ideas Learn tips and tricks along the way - timed so that you get the most out of the moment! Education is key...learn how to use fitness and nutrition to your advantage to get results!
Get lean, strong & fit!!!