PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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There are so many mixed emotions when joining a new gym.  Or any gym at any time for that matter...  Excitement about the changes you will make.. Nervousness about maybe not reaching your goals.. Intimidated by all the 'fit and experienced' gym-goers.  What do I wear?  Do I use headphones?  Are people nice?  Are they big a-holes?  Should I make small talk?!?!  Ahhh overwhelming!!I have been in fitness centers and gyms my whole life.  So I am going to give you my BEST Tips to make it look like you're a PRO!!  Even if it is your first time joining a gym! Before You Join:

  • Check out reviews online (Google, Yelp etc.)
  • Check out their Website, Facebook, and Instagram so you can see the layout of the club
  • Call ahead and ask to set up a tour during a 'quiet time' of the day

On The Tour:

  • You can be honest with the person giving you the tour.  Maybe it is your first time in a gym, and so they will give you some extra info that you should know about that facility!

Once You Have Joined And You Are Ready To Dive In:

  • Workout a few times during the quiet hours to get a good feel for the gym
  • Wear a NEW or FAVORITE outfit that you feel GREAT in!  --Must be workout attire...don't wear jeans...I NOT wear jeans to the gym!
  • Hold your head high and be proud that you are there!!
  • Smile and greet others, and give a quick 'hey how are ya?' to the front desk attendant
  • Start with Weight Training, then move into Cardio, and finish with some stretching! (You'll look like a pro for sure!)
  • Always say goodbye and 'see you soon' or 'see you tomorrow' ((Make it known that you will be back...especially to yourself!!))

 My mom always taught me.... stand up and say it with authority and people will believe it!  The only thing to be worried about when joining a how fast you're going to crush your goals!! :) :)