PrioritizeYOU by Brittany Jones

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These little Power Balls will knock your socks off!!  They are power packed with protein, carbs, fats and SUPER tasty!!  Not kidding...they taste amazing!  Great way to curb a sweet tooth without crushing your macro goals!Recipe Makes 18 Power BallsIngredients:

  • Dry Oats  |  1 cup
  • Shredded Coconut  |  2/3 cups
  • Peanut Butter  |  1/2 cup
  • Chocolate Chips  |  1/3 cups
  • Honey  |  1/4 cup
  • Chia Seeds  |  1 tbsp
  • Vanilla Extract  |  1 tsp


  • Mix all Ingredients together in large bowlPower Ball IngredientsPower Balls Mixture
  • Place in refrigerator for 20-30 minutes
  • Roll into 1 inch balls and return to refrigerator in air tight containerPower Balls
  • Enjoy :)

 Nutrition Facts per Ball:  Carbs 11 g  | Protein 2 g  | Fats 4.5 gNote:  This is saved in MyFitnessPal - - Search Brittany Jones Wellness (brand) and you will then see Power Balls Hope you love them as much as we do! :)XO,  Brittany