If you know me well, you know that I am not a big make up person - but I typically always have on the essentials and love having a simple routine to get ready!  My job as a trainer means that my schedule is all over the place and that I may end up sweating/working out in the middle of the day.  At times, that leads to mid day showers and/or re-application of makeup [on good days lol!]

A few months ago, Stowaway Cosmetics reached out to me to try out their products through the aluminum free deodorant blog and to give them a review!  I was absolutely stoked to try out their products after checking out their website.

Stowaway was created with the "on-the-go" woman in mind.  Loved this.  It is also a cruelty-free company which sits really highly with me.  Not only are their products great quality... they are wayyyy smaller than your typical make up - which makes them more affordable and you will actually end up using the entire thing instead of wasting half a lip stick or mascara tube!

This is the make up kit I received from Stowaway Cosmetics:

  • BB Cream
  • Creaseless Concealer
  • Cream Blush  |  Burnt Rose
  • Translucent Setting Powder
  • Eyeliner  |  Spice
  • Mascara  |  Black
  • Makeup Brush

When it came to writing up this blog post, I knew I would need some help with the actual application side of things.  As I mentioned, I typically keep it really simple.  So I called on a pro!  Melissa Tomfohrde is a Make Up Artist in the Twin Cities [Minneapolis/St Paul, MN] and was gracious enough to help me learn the correct use of the products and even apply it for me!!

Check out the video below to see how Melissa applied the make up on me!

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My favorite aspect of the make up application was that it really didnt' feel super heavy on my skin.  I don't usually wear make up on my face [besides blush in the winter here in MN ha!] so having the BB Cream be a really light feel was great.  I also really like the fact that all this makeup listed above fits into a little bag that I can throw into my work bag/purse to have handy when I need it!  Not only that, but the packaging is absolutely adorable and so chic!  Every time someone sees me using it in the locker room at the gym, they ask about it!

Melissa had nothing but good things to say about the product as well.  This was really good to hear, as this is her area of expertise!  

Overall I would give Stowaway Cosmetics a 10 out of 10.  Very professional to work/partner with, and super great products!


Stowaway gave me a really cool opportunity to offer my readers/followers a discount code to receive 20% off their purchases through March 30th, 2018!!!  Click the link below to check out Stowaway Cosmetics and try out some of their awesome make up kits!

DISCOUNT CODE:   brittanyjones20


If you want to get more information about Melissa and her Make Up Artist Services: Melissa Tomforhde Makeup, click the link below:

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