Alternating Shoulder Press

Bicep Curls

Squat to Rotating Shoulder Press

Overhead DB Triceps Extension

Sumo Squat

Lateral Raise to Lunge

Plank Tucks

High Knees

DB Overhead Pass

Single Leg Curl to Press


Bicycle Crunches

Kneeling Hip Extension

Squat to Glute Squeeze

Leg Elevated Row

Goblet Squat

Walk Out

Squat to Side Leg Raise

Band Rotations

Back Lunges

Mountain Climbers

Squat to High Knee

Step Ups

Soldier Walks

Band Core Side Steps

Band Row

Scissor Run

Push Up To Plank

Hip Ups

Plank Hold

High Knee To Airplane

Plank Leg Raises

Duck Unders

DB Wide Squat

DB Bent Over Row

Rack Lunge

Plank Knee Taps

Band Squat to Row

Push Ups

Total Body Extensions

Lunge to Floor Touch

Neutral Grip Shoulder Press

Single DB Frontal Raise

Narrow Squat

Torso Twist

Lateral Jumps

DB Triceps Kickbacks

Side Lunges

Band Bicep Curls

Band Triceps Extension

Squat to Press

Wide Squat Pulse

Squat to Side Leg Raise

Band Lunge to Row

Band Chest Expansion

Band Overhead Range of Motion

Suitcase Lunge

Bent Over Fly

Burpee to Jumping Jacks

Single Leg Sit to Stand

Incline Push Up

In & Out Squat

DB Punches


Lateral Squat Jumps

Single Leg Burpee

Sprints in Place

Step Out Squats

Back Lunge to DB Row

Band Lat Pull

Single Double Shoulder Press

Lunge to Shoulder Press

Bicep Curl Circuit

Squat Jumps

Step Up to High Knee

Renegade Row

Plank Jacks

L Seat Band Row

Reverse Crunch

Band Ab Tucks

Stability Ball Chest Press

DB Pullover

Band Supine Bicep Curls

Plank + Shin Touch

Russian Twist

Stability Ball Side Leg Raise

Stability Ball Hold + Crunch

DB Crunch

Plank Up Down