Seth 4 Week Program // March 27 - April 23


Thoracic Spine 2x each way

Hip 2x each way

Knee 6x each way

STRENGTH 1 / Upper Body

Barbell Bent Over Row [Underhand Grip] w1: 10x 85lbs w2: 12x 85lbslbs w3: 10x 105lbs w4: 12x 105lbs

Band High Pull w1-4: 20x

Lat Pull Down w1: 10x 90lbs w2: 12x 90lbs w3: 10x 110lbs w4: 8x 110lbs

2 Count Static Hold > 5 Count Eccentric Pull Up w1+w2: 6x w3+w4: 8x

~ Rest 5-10 minutes ~

Bench Press [weekly warm up: 2 sets of 10x 85lbs] w1: 6-8x @ 155lbs minimum [report back on weight reached + I will give progression]

Hand Release Push Ups w1-w4 10x w 1 min rest btwn

ROM Bicep Curls w1: 10x 25lbs w2: 15x 25lbs w3: 8x 30lbs w4: 10x 30lbs

Tricep Press Ups [wall or barbell on rack] w1-w4: 10x [make sure 10 is all out max]

STRENGTH 2 / Lower Body


1 mile Run

10 mile Bike

100 Jump Rope


Steady State Cardio Work

20-40 minutes in Zone 2 HR

STRENGTH 3 / Total Body + Mobility


Underhand Grip Bench Row w1: 8x/e 40lbs w2: 10x/e 40lbs w3: 8x 45lbs w4: 8x/e 50lbs

Cable Lat Pull Down w1: 10x ~120lbs w2: 12x 130lbs w3: 12x 130lbs w4: 12x 140lbs

ROM Bicep Curls w1: 10x 25lbs w2: 12x 25lbs w3: 8x 30lbs w4: 10x 30lbs

Bench Thoracic Rotational Reach into Row w1+2: 6x/e 30lbs w3+4: 8x/e 35lbs

Chest Opener w Blue Band 15x

Bench Shoulder Lift Offs w1+w2: 6x w3: 8x w4: 10x


Deadlift w1: 10x 95lbs w2: 12x 95lbs w3: 10x 115lbs w4: 12x 115lbs

Single Leg Supported Squat [off bench, DB at chest] w1: 8x/e 30lbs w2: 8x/e 35lbs w3: 6x/e 40lbs w4: 8x/e 40lbs

Sumo Deadlift w1: 10x 95lbs w2: 12x 95lbs w3: 10x 115lbs w4: 12x 115lbs

3 Way Calf Raise w1+2: 10x/e 25lbs w3+4: 10x/e 30lbs

Knee Reaching Forward Lunge 6x/e

Squat Hold + Wall Tap w1+w2: 6x w3: 8x w4: 10x


Interval Cardio Work

5 Rounds: 2 min Moderate Intensity : 1 min Low Intensity

3-5 minutes of recovery

6 Rounds: 30 second High/Moderate Intensity : 30 second off

DAY 5 // FRI or SAT

Steady State Cardio Work

20-40 minutes in Zone 2 HR

DAY 6 // FRI, SAT or SUN

Single Arm DB Squat to Push Press w1: 8x/e 25lbs w2: 10x/e 25lbs w3: 6x/e 30lbs w4: 8x/e 30lbs

Lateral Raises w1+w2: 10x 15lbs w3+w4: 12x 15lbs

Landmine Core Rotational Press w1-4: 10x/e + 40lbs [4, 10lb plates]

Anti Rotation on Cable [2 step] w1+2: 5x/e ~50lbs w3+4: 5x/e ~60lbs

Plank Hold w1-4: 1 min

Spine Segmentation Forward Fold w1-4: 5x

December 19 - January 15

February 20 - March 19


Bench Row [Supinating to Underhand Grip] w1: 8x/e 45lbs w2: 10x/e 45lbs w3: 8x 50lbs w4: 10x/e 50lbs

1-1-2 Lat Pull Down [Hold 2 sec on double hold] w1: 6x ~80lbs w2: 8x 80lbs w3: 6x 90lbs w4: 8x 90lbs

Kneeling Single Arm Arnold Press w1: 10x/e 25lbs w2: 8x/e 30lbs w3: 10x/e 30lbs w4: 10x/e 35lbs

Plank + KB Drag w1-w4 10x/e 35lbs

DB Chest Press w1: 10x 40lbs w2: 12x 40lbs w3: 8-10x 45lbs w4: 10x 50lbs

Cable Pec Fly w1+w2: 10x 40lbs w3+w4: 12x 40lbs

Finisher: Max Pull Ups, Max Push Ups


Deadlift w1: 10x 125lbs w2: 8x 135lbs w3: 10x 135lbs w4: 10x 145lbs

Reverse Lunge [1 leg at a time] w1: 8x/e 20lbs w2: 8x/e 25lbs w3: 10x/e 25lbs w4: 8x/e 30lbs

DB Goblet Squat [+ 2 sec hold at the bottom] w1: 10x 35lbs w2: 12x 35lbs w3: 10x 45lbs w4: 12x 45lbs

Lateral Jump to Vertical Jump 8x/e direction

Kneel to Step thru Stand w1+w2: 5x/e w3+w4: 8x/e

Quad Hold w1+2: 45 sec w3+4: 1 min

DB Hip Up w1: 20x 50lbs w2: 20x 55lbs w3: 20x 60lbs w4: 20x 65lbs

Kneeling Side Plank [top leg heel + toe taps] 10x/e / each side


Interval Cardio Work

5 Rounds: 2 min Moderate Intensity : 1 min Low Intensity

3-5 minutes of recovery

6 Rounds: 30 second High/Moderate Intensity : 30 second off


Steady State Cardio Work

20-40 minutes in Zone 2 HR


Heel Elevated Squats w1: 10x 30lbs w2: 12x 30lbs w3: 10x 35lbs w4: 10x 40lbs

Rear Toe Elevated Lateral Step Ups 12x/e

Thoracic Reach + Row w1+w2: 8x/e 35lbs w3+w4: 8x/e 40lbs

Bent Over, Underhand Grip Bench Row [under legs] w1: 8x 65lbs w2: 10x/e 75lbs w3: 12x/e 75lbs w4: 10x/e 85lbs

Unilateral Deadbug + DB Hold 10x/e [no heavier than 5lb DB]

Copenhagen Plank w1: 30 sec/e w2: 35sec/e w3: 40sec/e w4: 45 sec/e

Knee Over Toe Deep Lunge 8x/e

Spine Segmentation Forward Fold 5x