Okay guys, I am about to get REAL with you. You'll have to excuse my very obvious attitude while I was writing this article lol. I have had 100 too many battles with people about this topic. So now, you get to hear it raw and harsh from yours truly.. enjoy :) Many people count calories, or look at nutrition labels...but sometimes we forget that drinks have calories. More importantly, usually a TON of sugar! I can talk and say "drink water" all I want, but many people will still reach for juice or soda!With some might change your mind!
Juice is a highly confusing beverage for so many! They look at the bottle and see the bright colors and fruit and think "this has got to be good for me!" It will even say how it is packed with vitamins and blah blah blah!JUICE IS FILLED WITH SUGAR!Yes, sometimes this sugar is coming from natural fruit sources. But commonly, it is filled with additives and sweeteners! This is not what you want to be pouring into your body! Not only is all this sugar going to spike your blood sugar, but it then increases your insulin production. The liver responds to the insulin production by turning sugar into fat for storage. All of a sudden your "good choice" turned into a nightmare! Not really what you had in mind by drinking juice, huh? Didn't think so!**Note: This is also true for bottled tea drinks, and really anything in a packaged bottle.INSTEAD OF HIGH SUGAR JUICE DRINKS -- have water with lemon, water with cucumber, water with berries, water with pomegranate, water with (insert your favorite fresh fruit here)HERE ARE SOME FACTS.....Naked Green Machine Juice Drink (15.2 oz): 53 grams of sugar | 270 caloriesWater + Lemon Drink (1 full lemon squeezed into desired water amount): 1.1 grams of sugar | 12 caloriesWOW!!!!! Can you believe that?! 53 grams of sugar in a drink that is supposed to be a great drink alternative to soda!? You may be thinking, well what about all those vitamins from the juice, though? Eat raw fruits and vegetables - and take a multivitamin. Done.I totally understand that it is SO easy to grab a juice, but prepare your lemon water the night before! Grab and go in the morning!!
Soda is a pain in the a$$ lol. People drink it for so many different reasons. "I need the carbonation" - "I need the caffeine" - "I need the flavor".......Wait, what?!? You NEED these things? NO. No you don't. We have conditioned ourselves to think we need these things. When in fact, we REALLY NEED water! ;) Lots and lots of water! (haha sorry for the rant - can you tell I have to fight soda with clients a lot? lol)Just like when we drink Juice, as soon as Soda is swallowed the pancreas begins to create insulin in response to the sugar intake. Within 20 minutes, blood sugar levels spike and the liver responds by turning sugar into fat for storage. Again, not necessarily a great experience.Within 45 minutes, the caffeine is fully absorbed into our body and our blood pressure rises. (The body produces more dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain - just like a low-grade line of cocaine. Yes, you read that right. OMG!)After a full 60 minutes of drinking your soda, the body experiences a blood sugar crash. This is about the same time a person typically reaches for their next soda, or another sweet/sugary snack.Okay, are you reading this right now and thinking...well I drink DIET Soda so I am not affected negatively at all!..Right? WRONG!Even though Diet Sodas do not actually have any calories, studies suggest that they can actually lead to weight gain. This is due to the fact that our bodies aren't sure how to respond to artificial sugars. Diet Soda tastes like it has calories, but do not, which throws off the ability of our body. This leads people to consuming even more calories in their daily lives through other foods.
[ Some studies have shown that those who consume diet drinks throughout their lives show signs of metabolic syndrome. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, some of these individuals experienced symptoms such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, lower than normal levels of HDL cholesterol and larger waste sizes. While you cannot draw a conclusion from this information without further research, the presence of these symptoms suggests a danger to diet drinks. ] [ Since the invention of diet drinks, manufacturers have used numerous sugar substitutes. Dartmouth College reports that manufacturers have used saccharin, cyclamate and aspartame at various times, despite the presence of cancer-causing agents. Newer forms of artificial sweetener still require additional testing before we can eliminate any worries about cancer-causing properties. ]
INSTEAD OF SODA -- If you are drinking Soda for the caffeine, try drinking a Natural Green Tea (not pre bottled - but a real tea! TRY THIS ONE), you can also try Crystal Light Green Tea, or Crystal Light + Energy. (there are still small amounts of artificial sweeteners in Crystal Light - but still much better option than soda - and it could help ween you off of soda!)If you are drinking Soda for the taste and/or carbonation - you are just going to have to work to ween off of it! You could try the water with lemon (listed above) and maybe switch up the fruit to keep your taste buds happy!
- Try to never consume anything (drink or food) that has more than 12 grams of sugar
- Never consume over 25 grams of added sugars in a given day
- Chia Fresca ( 20 oz water, 1/2 squeezed lime, 1/2 tbsp chia seeds >> shake up and put in fridge for 30 minutes >> enjoy) **Thanks Nicky for this recipe ;)
- Evolv Fuel
- Evolv Fix
- Crystal Light + Energy > Grape (my last resort when I have a long day and want that caffeine kick!)
Now I really hope this article displays the information YOU needed to make better decisions with YOUR beverage choices!Share this with your friends and family, so they too can make better health choices for a longer and stronger life! :)XO, Brittany

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