Making a New Years Resolution may be on your mind right now. As cliche as it is an awesome time to set goals and make an intention for positive change! (I make one every year! :) ) Why not take the opportunity to become a better you!?
Another cliche is that the gyms are packed in January and then by March/April they've cleared out. People start with the best intentions, but they don't follow through... It seems to be a repetitive and year after year situation for a lot of people. By why? Are there steps that you can take to make it work?
I have complied a list below of steps that YOU can take for a sure fire way to stick to your New Years Resolution this year!
Here are a few tips to make your resolution last!
- Set a realistic resolution. Make sure that it is something that you can actually do. (Ex: If your resolution is to workout every single morning before work - make sure you will get enough sleep and will have enough time to get to work on time.)
- Make sure it is your resolution. I have heard of people making resolution that they heard someone else was doing, or their friend/family member gave them the idea. But the chances of you sticking with a resolution that isn't yours is really slim.
- Continue to set goals. Start with 2! A long term goal (6-12 months from now) and a short term goal (1-4 weeks from now). Maybe you say, "Over the next year, I would like to lose 20lbs and maintain a healthy fitness and nutrition plan. I'll start by working out 3 times per week and planning my weekly meals for the month of January." By doing this, you are setting an intention and planning what you will do to accomplish your goal. At the end of January, you can set the next short term goal and it will build up to your long term plan!
- Have a plan! Sit down and figure out the best days for your workouts and your nutrition planning/prepping.
- Accountability can be that piece to the puzzle that maximizes your results! Knowing that you have someone/a group that you can reach out to or lean on is an amazing feeling. Support is key.
Don't set yourself up for failure.
Set yourself up for one heck of a 2017!!! This can and will be your best year yet!
Goal Setting Printable: Click to Purchase & Download
Hope you take this information and put it to good use!
XO, Brittany

Looking to stay fit & have accountability in 2017?
Join my Online Gym: Get Fit With Britt 🙂
You will have weekly workouts (strength & cardio) with demonstration videos to ensure form is on point! Enjoy full 60 minute Yoga Practices to follow along (3 levels). Learn tips and tricks along the way - timed so that you get the most out of the moment!
Get lean, strong & fit!!!