Let's take a minute and talk about WILL POWER.  

Do you feel that you struggle to find motivation to workout?  Or lack the drive to plan/prep for your nutrition?  Do you feel like you just don't have the energy to focus on your health?  To be honest, it doesn't even have to be about fitness and health.  This can be about LITERALLY ANYTHING!!!  There are SO many things throughout our day that require your will power to complete them.

So let's get to it.  

I want you to imagine your WILL POWER like a tank of gas.  Every single morning, we wake up with a full tank of gas.  You are full of will power in the morning.

Okay, so everything that you do requires some type of will power right?  Some tasks/activities require more than others.  So if you are not a morning person and you hate waking up, this pulls from your will power tank of gas.  If you have a long commute and a demanding job, even more of that will power is drained out of your tank.  You get home (maybe pick up the kids first) and you cook dinner, or have to run errands.  MORE WILL POWER gone from the tank.  By the time dinner is ready, that's a task in itself to sit down and eat >> will power.  You planned to workout after dinner, but no way is that happening now..not enough gas.  Now its time for bed, and by that time your will power is on LOW and you've downed a half a pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Ice Cream (yeah, that's my flavor....).  Your will power is gone and you just want to crash.  No chance you're pre-packing tomorrow's lunch or packing your workout bag.  ....Sleeeeep...... 

Wow...that was awful.  I could literally feel the emotion as a wrote that because I hear it all to often from my clients/friends/family.

Now why did I write all of that instead of just telling you what to do about it?  You need to picture yourself in the situation.  Put yourself into YOUR day and feel it.  How does this effect you?  What does your day of will power look like?  

Now you are ready to hear my recommendations.


If you know (now) that you start your day with a full tank of will power gas, how can we utilize that to our advantage?!  Think about what tasks and activities take the most from your will power tank.  Is it working out?  Is it work?  Is it cooking?  Is it household chores?  What is it?!?! (It is super important to discover this about yourself)

Once you know your highest will power tasks, you can better plan your days.

Does working out take a ton of your will power?  Yes?  Okay, so then you need to find a way to get your activity done earlier in the day (before you don't have enough will power gas to do it!!).  Maybe you workout before work, or at lunch, or before you go home after work if the other two options aren't available to you.  

Does nutrition planning/cooking healthy take a lot of your will power?  Yes?  Okay... I recommend that you pre-cook your meals during your weekend when you have a free 2-3 hours.  (Do it in the morning before you run out of gas).  This will eliminate the stress of having to prepare your lunch for the next day!  Don't have enough time on your days off?  I don't buy it...read this article to discover the lost time you have in your day.

Moral of the story... don't set yourself up for failure.  Know your limits.  Know your vices.  Know what you're good at.  Know what you're not so good at lol.  Know what takes your will power.

I can't stress enough how important it is to know yourself.  Once you know yourself you are able to truly love yourself and treat yourself with the things you need.  


I really hope that this is read by someone who needs to hear it.  Often we get discouraged because we think we are failing our goals.  But maybe it just wasn't planned properly for YOU.  Think about how you perform a task for work, or school, or whatever is it you plan things for!  You don't just dive in right?  You plan.  You schedule it out (even if its just in your head), you do it.  

So make a conscious plan as to HOW you are going to fit fitness & nutrition into your life.  What works best for you?  Great, do that! :)

XO,  Brittany


If you have any questions, comment below or reach out to me on any of my Social Media Platforms!  I love questions! And I would love to hear how this article helped you!


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You will have weekly workouts (strength & cardio) with demonstration videos to ensure form is on point!  Enjoy full 60 minute Yoga Practices to follow along (3 levels).  Follow guided stretching and meal plan ideas  Learn tips and tricks along the way - timed so that you get the most out of the moment!  Education is key...learn how to use fitness and nutrition to your advantage to get results!  

Get lean, strong & fit!!! 

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