I'm sure over time you have heard about tracking your nutrition.  And let me tell you what....knowing what you are putting into your body can make SO much difference!  What goes into your body matters.  A lot of people just say "oh just eat healthy and things will happen."  Why yes, that is correct a lot of times.  And yes you can see results from this.  But if you are looking to REALLY see changes, and to really work hard - then tracking your nutrition and going the distance is what I would recommend. ((Especially if you are one of those people who just want to lose that last 5-15 lbs!!!!!!))First of all, I would like to introduce to you a FREE Mobile App called MyFitnessPal - most people have already heard of this when I mention it to them.  GREAT!  You are one step ahead!  Now, download it.. lol and use it!When you download the app, it will have you fill out a bunch of information about yourself.  Be honest and fill it out correctly!  It is figuring out information about you and your goals! :)  Then it will bring you to the home screen and you can start playing around!  >>MyFitnessPall does updates a lot and it looks different on iPhone and Android... so I am not going to walk you through each step.  Play around and learn the process on your device.<<DO: 

  • Track your meals and snacks
  • Pay attention to your protein, carbs, and fats
  • Track your water intake
  • Pay attention to your sugar intake


  • Track your exercise - - the reason why is because adding exercise to your day will force MyFitnessPal to give you more calories.  Well, this is great and all...but your goals were determined at the beginning and your activity level was entered in.  So we actually shouldn't enter in your calories or you will then be at a surplus of calories which will inhibit weight loss or fat loss. ((Follow this rule even if you aren't working to lose weight, even when maintaining, I'd recommend to not enter in activity.))
  • Become obsessed - - I want you to be focused, but I also want you to live your life!


  • Manually adjust your Macro Breakdown (Macro Nutrients = Carbs, Proteins, & Fats)
    • Go into your settings
    • Select goals
    • Set Macros to: Carbs 40%  -  Protein 30%  -  Fats 30%
  • Pre-logging your nutrition can be HUGE!  This is what I do.  On Sundays - I will decide what I want to eat for the week, then I adjust my WANT to what I NEED!  (Maybe I was short on protein, so then I change up my meal plan for what I need)  Then I write down a shopping list based on my need, and I shop.  Then I MEAL PREP for the week.  I always cook my snacks and lunches.  (Breakfast is usually a shake I make in the morning and I like a freshly cooked dinner - so we do that the night of).
  • Don't blame your kids and family for YOU not being able to eat the right way!

Again, tracking your foods/calories/macronutrients can be daunting at times and it is meticulous and exhausting right away!  But knowing what goes into your body and starting to recognize your macronutrient needs and what macronutrients are in foods can make all the difference in your results!Please let me know if you have any questions below my commenting!  Or reach out to me on Social Media! XO,  Brittany


