Here is the cold hard truth about why some people can eat whatever they want and then others will gain weight from ONE cheat meal or snack!When you are on your Weight Loss Journey it is important to know all the tricks and hacks to get to the point of maintaining your weight.  You may have asked this question yourself...  why do I gain weight from one cookie, one bowl of ice cream, one burger, one night out with friends?!?!  Just when you go ahead and celebrate your milestones something can come along and throw you off your path.The simple truth is that we cannot really avoid what our bodies natural response to a 'cheat meal' or an overload of calories is going to be.  BUT we can take the information and build upon it.Watch the video and/or read the information below :)[embed]http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjalq4PEQaU[/embed]The human body has Set Points (Homeostasis) for many things, such as: body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and BODY WEIGHT!!  This means that our body gets used to being at a certain body weight just like it gets used to being at a certain temperature.  Then, it likes that weight.  It thinks that is its new happy place.  Our body likes to stay in its happy place. In order to change our Set Point, we have to challenge the body.  By increasing our caloric output and decreasing our caloric intake (this is not always the case, everyone's situation is different) we challenge the body to make a change.  This is where weight loss begins.Now that the weight loss has started, our body is in a state of confusion.  Let's say we go ahead and throw in some unnecessary calories into the mix, our body is going to take those calories and utilize them towards getting back to its happy place (Set Point)!  NOOOO!!!  All that hard work and your body completely goes against you and puts some unwanted pounds back on.  It sucks, but you can get past it.  Keep moving forward.  Weight loss is NOT always going to be a perfect straight line of weight loss, it is a crazy up & down, zig zag journey where anything can happen along the way.  With determination and a good workout program paired with nutrition....it WILL happen!Once you are AT your goal weight, you need to stay there for 3-4 months before this is your new Set Point.  Once it is your Set Point, now....you maintain.  What a happy thought that is.  It is hard, frustrating, and annoying for lack of a better word.  But if you are going to put the work in...you might as well finish the job right?!?Now, back to the person who is maintaining their weight.  When they throw unnecessary calories or meals into the mix, yes there will be an effect.  They may gain a pound or become bloated for a day or two.  But this is not their bodies Set Point/happy place, so it levels off and goes back to their maintenance zone without having to do much work.   This doesn't ever seem fair for the person who is trying to lose weight.  BUT remember that the person who is maintaining may have worked their A$$ off to get to that point....don't be mad at that person.  Be PROUD and use them as a motivator to continue on your journey!  Trust me, it is SO worth it!!!So there it is...this is a simple answer to that ever so common question! :)The main goal for Weight Loss is to get to a point where you can maintain your goal weight.  Make your body work FOR you... not AGAINST you! If you have ANY questions, please comment below or feel free to reach out to me on Social Media:  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & Pinterest! :)XO,  Brittany


