This is a conversation that I have regularly with my clients... but it is something that is hugely overlooked!I work day in and day out helping my clients achieve their goals.  I work with their fitness + wellness + nutrition + lifestyle ...all to get them to their best self!  It is a combination of discipline and retraining our mind to what our lifestyle should be to attain the best health.Why do we sabotage it all by celebrating milestones with cakes + ice cream?!Now I will be honest, I have literally done this myself.  In very recent time.  I caught it and said out loud {to myself} "what the f**k are you doing?!"  Then I just laughed, changed up my mindset and kept moving forward!-----Today I want to discuss why to avoid celebrating with food, and some ideas on what to do instead!In today's world... everything revolves around food: birthday parties, holidays, work meetings, happy hour, brunch etc.  It's pretty hard to get away from it. Safety kits like Milk Test kits have become necessary.  It gets ingrained into our minds that this is a meaningful way to celebrate.  Which...it is.  But celebrating a fitness // health goal with food is not ideal!
When you tell yourself you "get to have" a specific food when you reach a certain goal, it is setting yourself up in a restricted state of mind.  You are basically telling yourself that you can't have that food until you reach your goal.  Which, if you've ever done a restrictive diet, you know how that goes."I'm not eating chocolate for a month."  ...stops at the gas station on the way home and eats 17 Snicker Bars in car alone.....When we tell ourself we CAN'T have something, our mind is constantly reminded of that THING and we crave it even more!!!  So as much as I preach in favor of a non refined/added sugar diet... I do understand that we are human and every once in a while you want to eat a piece of freakin' cake!  So allow yourself to do this... in MODERATION.  {want to learn how...try Nutrition Coaching}  I am ALL about living a balanced life!Another reason why celebrating with food is a bad idea... is that it gives you this false idea that you can just eat whatever you want once you reach your goal.  This is NOT a good mindset to have!Getting to your goal is achieved by a nutritious and balanced diet, paired with a fitness program for your current level of fitness.  Staying at your goal requires this to continue!   Check out this article, where I dig into why you shouldn't binge on bad foods + why it may have a negative effect on your results!Lastly... If you have been super restrictive in your diet to reach your goal, your body is getting used to clean + nutritious foods {and is really happy about it too!}  BUT... if you go a little crayyy and binge on some sugar/salt filled foods... you bet your butt you are going to feel like crap!  Beyond feeling like crap from the food, you are sure to bloat and retain excess water for a day or two.  Which {if you hit a weight loss goal} you would likely regret your decision and feel guilt.Guilt from food feels terrible!  So let's avoid it!LET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU SHOULD DO!! I encourage my clients {and YOU} to reward yourself with FITNESS // HEALTH // WELLNESS inspired things!Something that will remind you how hard you have worked!Something that will NOT sabotage your results!Something that makes you feel good!Something that you typically wouldn't "splurge" on.Something that you look forward to obtaining!!YES!!Here are a few of my favorites:
  • Massage
  • New Workout Clothes  {this is my go-to}
  • New Workout Shoes
  • New Book
  • New Haircut
  • New Workout Equipment

What are YOUR ideas?!?COMMENT BELOW!Be sure to share this article with your friends + family so they can learn about this important topic too!I hope this helps put your goal planning into perspective!For some goal setting inspiration... check this out!

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